
Grades for Kindergarten & 1st

S = Satisfactory - At Grade Level

W = Working on Skill - At Grade Level

N = Needs Improvement - Below Grade Level

U = Unsatisfactory - Below Grade Level

Blank = Not Assessed

Grades for 2nd - 5th

Academic Progress Social Development / Work Habits

A = 90 - 100 (Outstanding Progress) O - Outstanding

B = 80 - 89 (Above Average Progress) S - Satisfactory

C = 70 - 79 (Average Progress) N - Needs Improvement

D = 60 - 69 (Lowest Acceptable Progress) U - Unsatisfactory

F = 59 - Below (Failure)

You may view your child's progress, grades, and attendance online by using  Skyward Parent Login
When logging on for the first time, be sure to update your account.

Grading procedures are determined by Orange County Public Schools.

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